Prithviraj Sukumaran is actively engaged in promoting his forthcoming film “Salaar,” featuring Prabhas in the lead role. In a recent interview, Prithviraj delved into his collaboration with Prabhas, discussed the portrayal of violence in the film directed by Prashanth Neel, and shared his perspective on the much-anticipated box office clash with Shah Rukh Khan’s “Dunki.”

When discussing his experience working with Prabhas, Prithviraj expressed admiration, stating, “Prabhas is one of the biggest stars in the country, and perhaps the only person unaware of his own stature. He is genuinely kind. Either he is genuinely oblivious or putting up a remarkable act. He doesn’t realize how big he is. Having spent 100 days with him, he checked on me daily, asking, ‘Shall I send some food? Are you okay?’ and extended this consideration to every actor on set.”

Providing insights into the success of recent action films like “Jawan,” “Pathaan,” and “Animal,” Prithviraj emphasized, “The mistake would be to think that the action is what worked. It’s the drama that resonates. People won’t remember how good the action was; they will remember the motivation behind it. The drama is the key. While 2023 has seen action films thrive, as actors and filmmakers, we must recognize that it’s the compelling drama that is truly working.”

Regarding the violence depicted in “Salaar,” Prithviraj explained, “The violence in Salaar aims to establish a world – Khansaar – a fictional realm where conventional laws don’t apply. It has a thousand-year-old history steeped in blood and violence, and its inhabitants adhere steadfastly to their origins. Introducing a character that makes the world seem feeble. Violence is essentially a character in the film. Gratuitous violence won’t engage audiences; it’s the motivation behind it that captures attention.”

Addressing the simultaneous release and box office clash with Shah Rukh Khan’s “Dunki” and Mohanlal’s “Neru,” Prithviraj expressed his enthusiasm as a film lover, stating, “Before being an actor and filmmaker, I am a film lover. I’m delighted that this holiday season offers three films by three iconic filmmakers, featuring three of the biggest stars, for audiences to enjoy. I am a huge fan of Shah Rukh Khan, Rajkumar Hirani, Jeethu Joseph, and Mohanlal sir. I admire Prashanth Neel, and I believe ‘Salaar’ is an exceptional film. I plan to watch all three films, and I hope you do too.”

While “Dunki” and “Neru” are scheduled for release on December 21, “Salaar” will hit theaters a day later on December 22.


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