The producers of Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film “Ustaad Bhagat Singh” unveiled a new teaser on Tuesday. True to form, the actor’s latest venture promises exhilarating action sequences and dialogue that will undoubtedly excite his fan base. In the recent preview, Pawan delivers a memorable line about a tea glass, which has quickly gained traction online, propelling the promo to viral status.

Pawan Kalyan portrays the role of a police officer in “Ustaad Bhagat Singh,” where he reprises the iconic red gamcha last seen in “Gabbar Singh.” The actor has made frequent use of this prop in his recent films and has even been spotted with it in real life.

Several scenes in the latest promo for “Ustaad Bhagat Singh” have stirred controversy, notably the protagonist seen engaging in violent acts against individuals adorned with religious symbols, juxtaposed with different religious groups in the background. These scenes, deliberately crafted for shock value, have sparked curiosity about the film’s storyline and thematic elements.

This movie marks Pawan Kalyan’s second collaboration with director Harish Shankar, known for their previous work on “Gabbar Singh.” Whether “Ustaad Bhagat Singh” serves as a sequel to their earlier film remains undisclosed. Alongside Pawan Kalyan, the cast includes Sreeleela, Ashutosh Rana, Nawab Sha, B. S. Avinash, and Gauthami in significant roles, with music composed by Devi Sri Prasad.


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