A recent update from Amitabh Bachchan sheds light on the eagerly awaited Telugu sci-fi movie “Kalki 2989 AD,” starring Prabhas and Deepika Padukone in key roles. With less than two months until its release, Bachchan shared insights on his involvement in Nag Ashwin’s venture via his blog. Despite working late into the night on the project, Bachchan disclosed that they are nearing the conclusion, as the production is currently in its final stages of shooting.

In his recent blog post, Bachchan expressed, “Late once again… but late due to work last night… as the completion of KALKI approaches… and as previously announced, its release date is set for May 9th… So, final efforts are underway to ensure everything is in place to deliver an experience that reflects the vision of the creators.”

Only subtle glimpses of Amitabh’s character have surfaced thus far. Based on appearance, Big B appears to portray a character with an extensive lifespan, evoking parallels to Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings series. Kalki 2898 AD has generated significant anticipation among Prabhas fans, given its grand scale and involvement of Kamal Haasan.

Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan are collaborating for the first time in this film, which aims to blend Indian mythology with sci-fi elements, signaling the potential for a larger franchise.

Set for a theatrical release on May 8, the movie features music by Santhosh Narayanan. Produced by C Ashwani Dutt of Vyjayanthi Movies, this high-budget production will be released in multiple languages nationwide.


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