Amid ongoing New Year celebrations, director Prashanth Neel’s Salaar surged towards the Rs 400 crore milestone in the domestic market on Monday. Featuring Prabhas and Prithviraj Sukumaran, the film experienced a decline in collections during the weekdays but rebounded over the lucrative New Year weekend.

Salaar’s box office collection on Day 11 reached Rs 15.5 crore, according to industry tracker Sacnilk, bringing the film’s total nett collection in India to Rs 360.77 crore. The Telugu version maintained the highest contribution to the earnings, with a 48.75% occupancy rate. Following Telugu, the Hindi version contributed the second-highest with a 28.03% occupancy on Monday. This was trailed by 20.26% Tamil occupancy and 16.32% Malayalam occupancy.

Globally, the film has grossed Rs 625 crore worldwide, just Rs 25 crore short of surpassing the first Baahubali’s worldwide collection of Rs 650 crore, according to Hombale Films. Salaar has already surpassed Vijay’s Leo and Rajinikanth’s Jailer, becoming the fifth-biggest Indian film of 2023. However, surpassing Jawan’s Rs 1100 crore-plus haul might be challenging. While Jawan earned Rs 389.88 crore in its first week, Salaar’s collection was Rs 308 crore. Although Prabhas’ film broke the opening day record of Atlee’s actioner, earning Rs 90.7 crore, surpassing Jawan’s overall collection remains a formidable task.

Expressing gratitude to his audience for supporting Salaar, Prabhas wished his fans a Happy New Year on Monday. He wrote on Instagram, “While I decide the fate of Khansaar⚔️💥, you all sit back and have a fantastic New Year darlings! Thank you for owning #SalaarCeaseFire and making it a big success.” The actor, who had struggled to deliver a hit since 2017, faced box office disappointments with Saaho, Radhe Shyam, and Adipurush after the blockbuster Baahubali 2: The Conclusion.


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