The Quadrantid meteor shower has been active from December 12 to January 12, with its peak meteor rate expected on January 4. The best viewing opportunity occurs when the shower’s radiant point, located in the Bootes constellation, is above the horizon.

In New Delhi, the shower becomes visible after 12:07 AM, as the radiant point rises above the eastern horizon, persisting until dawn breaks around 6:46 AM. The peak is projected for 4 PM IST on January 4, 2024. Optimal displays can be witnessed around dawn on January 4 and after the radiant rises on January 5.

Linked to the asteroid EH1, with a 5.5-year orbit around the Sun, the Quadrantids meteor shower results from Earth passing through the debris trail left by the asteroid, which burns up in the planet’s atmosphere. Its name originates from the omitted constellation Quadrans Muralis on the International Astronomical Union’s 1922 list. Despite the omission, the shower retained its name, also known as Bootids due to its current radiant point in the Bootes constellation.

For the best meteor shower observation, seek a secluded location away from city lights. Allow time for your eyes to adjust to the darkness at the chosen observation spot. Once comfortable, lie down and gaze at the sky. Use a digital sky map to locate the radiant point, and the higher it is in the sky, the greater the likelihood of observing more meteors


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